What does a CVA mean for landlords and creditors?
A CVA, or Company Voluntary Arrangement, enables landlords and creditors to receive all or a proportion of the money owed to them by a debtor company, over an extended period of time. A CVA formally
See below for the latest news and views from the Fast Track CVA team.
A CVA, or Company Voluntary Arrangement, enables landlords and creditors to receive all or a proportion of the money owed to them by a debtor company, over an extended period of time. A CVA formally
The Association of Business Recovery Professionals (R3), has developed a Standard Form to help SMEs that have been affected by Covid-19 to enter a formal debt arrangement with their creditors. The new Covid-19 CVA focuses
Company Voluntary Arrangements (CVAs) formally restructure a company’s debt to allow it to continue trading and escape liquidation. A CVA is an official rescue procedure that offers significant benefits for directors and companies, but also